[ System-Click v1.0 ] [ History ] Ver Description 0.5 Initial release. Full Drag and Animated Windows. 0.6 Fixed problem with stray mouse clicks causing problems. 0.7 Added 'Clear Recent Documents', Help, and About. 1.0 Initial public release. [ Future ] Implement Full Dragging on all systems, regardless of if Plus! is installed. In order to implement this effectively, the application would have to trap all mouse input. In the event that a mouse event would cause a resize, the application would have to take control. Any other mouse event would simply be passed off to the underlying application. The application would also need to keep in sync with the SPI_GETFULLDRAG and SPI_SETFULLDRAG system parameter options. [ Overview ] This little app runs resident in the Notification area. It gives you control of some system options that are otherwise buried within other applications, or deep within the system registry. Currently, this provides access to: * Full Window Dragging * Animated Windows * Clear the recent documents list More functionality can be added with out too much effort. Let me know if you know of a system parameter that would be useful to be able to control at a single click. [ Functionality ] With a single left mouse-click, it pops up a simple menu. In this menu are currently up to 4 options: 1. Full Dragging 2. Animated Windows 3. Clear Recent Document List 4. About... 5. Help 1. Full Dragging If you have the Plus! pack installed, this menu option will appear. With this item selected, dragging a window by its caption or resizing it will result in the entire window moving or resizing instead of only the rubber- band border appearing. 2. Animated Windows This feature comes standard in Win95. Whenever you minimize, restore, or maximize a window, the window will 'grow' to its new position in an animated fashion. I found this to be annoying, so now you can disable it with a single click. 3. Clear Recent Documents Under the Start menu there is an entry titled 'Documents' which, if clicked on, displays a list of the most recently used documents. Typically an application will add an entry to that list if it uses a file. Only native Win95 applications will do this (such as Word95, Notepad, etc.). Clicking on an entry in this list will launch the corresponding application. You can clear this list of all its entries via SysClk. 4. About... Self explanatory. 5. Help Self explanatory. [ Closing the Application ] To close the application, simply right double-click with the mouse. The application will then close. Any changes you made will be recorded in the system registry and will be in effect until you change them again. [ Launching at Startup ] You can either create a shortcut to the application within the Startup menu (right-click on the Start button, then select Explore and then find your way to the startup program folder and create the shortcut) or append the name of the executable to the RUN= line in the [Windows] section of the WIN.INI. For example: [Windows] RUN = OTHERPROGRAM.EXE N:\TOOLS\WIN95\SYSCLK\SYSCLK.EXE [ Source Code ] All of the source code is provided in this archive for reference. Please do not modify the source and redistribute. Notify me of any problems with the current implementation and I will try and fix them. The comments in the source code may give a few insights as to how to effectively use the Notification Area of the Win95 Taskbar. [ Contacting the Author ] Author: James P. Ketrenos Snail : 19000 NW Evergreen Pkwy #139 Hillsboro, OR 97124 E-Mail: JamesX_Ketrenos@ccm.jf.intel.com